Complaint Proceedings

The Department of Energy receives and processes formal complaints against public utilities, competitive providers of electric supply and natural gas supply, and telecommunications providers.

RSA 365:1 through :5, and Puc 204, govern the Department of Energy’s authority to receive and process formal complaints.  Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Department forwards the complaint to the utility for response.  After reviewing the response, the Department will determine if an investigation is warranted.  The Department has the discretion to refer a complaint, after investigation, to the Public Utilities Commission for further action.  If the Department disposes of a complaint without referral to the Commission, a complainant may petition the Commission for an adjudicative hearing.

Residential utility customers must first exhaust their remedies under the Puc 1200 rules, which are administered by the Department before filing a formal complaint.  For complaints filed by residential utility customers, the name and address, and any other private information related to the customer, are confidential during the Department’s process.  Residential complaints, and any documents responding to them, are redacted to protect that information; however, customer information becomes public once the customer petitions the Commission for a hearing.  The confidential information is kept on file by the Department.

How to File a Formal Complaint with the Department of Energy 

CPT 2024-006 Residential Customer Complaint Against Pennichuck Water Works, Inc.

CPT 2024-005 Kearsarge Solar LLC, ReWild Renewables, LLC and Lodestar Energy LLC Complaint Against Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy

CPT 2024-004 GNM Solar, 17, LLC and Bright Spot Solar, LLC Complaint Against Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy

CPT 2024-003 Office of the Consumer Advocate Complaint Concerning Town of Milford Community Power Aggregation Plan

CPT 2024-002 Office of the Consumer Advocate Complaint Concerning Town of New Boston Community Power Aggregation Plan

CPT 2024-001 Office of the Consumer Advocate Complaint Concerning Town of Jaffrey Community Power Aggregation Plan

CPT 2023-003 Residential Customer Complaint Against Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. d/b/a Liberty

CPT 2023-002 Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire Complaint Against Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy

CPT 2023-001 Residential Customer Complaint Against Unitil Energy Systems, Inc.