Supplier & Aggregator Registration
Instructions and Forms for Competitive Suppliers and Aggregators of Electricity and Natural Gas.
Competitive electric supply and electric load aggregation service are options for residential and commercial customers in New Hampshire. Given the limited number of gas marketers serving New Hampshire and the experience of other states with the introduction of residential gas choice programs, only commercial and industrial (C&I) customers in New Hampshire have the option of choosing competitive natural gas supply or natural gas aggregation service.
Companies wishing to provide competitive electric supply, competitive natural gas supply, electric load aggregation service or natural gas aggregation service in New Hampshire must first register with the New Hampshire Department of Energy. The New Hampshire Department of Energy administers and enforces the registration, assessment and consumer protection requirements of Puc 2000 Rules, N.H. Code Admin. Rules Puc 2000, which apply to initial and renewal registration applications for competitive electric power suppliers (CEPS) and electric load aggregators, and Puc 3000 Rules, N.H. Code Admin. Rules Puc 3000, which apply to initial and renewal registration applications for competitive natural gas suppliers (CNGS) and natural gas aggregators.
Information about registering as a competitive provider of electric or natural gas service or as a load aggregator for electric or natural gas service is provided below. Sample forms are also provided for CEPS registration, CNGS registration, and electric and gas aggregator registration.
Information on how to register, forms and other resources can be found by following the links below.