Competitive Natural Gas Suppliers & Aggregators
Commercial and industrial (C&I) natural gas customers of Liberty and Unitil may choose to buy their gas supply directly from third party suppliers rather than from the utility.
Businesses in New Hampshire have the choice of purchasing natural gas supply from a third-party supplier or from the local natural gas utility. Those businesses electing to buy natural gas supply directly from a third-party supplier continue to be a customer of the local natural gas utility for transportation, which is the delivery of the gas service to the customer’s business.
Price and the terms and conditions of service offered by third-party suppliers are not set or approved by the State. Service provided by the local natural gas utility, including the price for transporting the third-party supply from the city gate to the customer’s business, is regulated by the NH Public Utilities Commission.
Due to the limited number of gas marketers serving New Hampshire and the failure of residential gas choice programs in other states to provide savings to residential customers, the option to choose a third-party supplier for natural gas is limited to commercial customers. Residential customers still purchase both gas commodity and delivery service from their local gas utility.
Competitive natural gas suppliers and aggregators of natural gas supply – sometime called brokers – must register with the NH Department of Energy prior to offering service to New Hampshire businesses.