Electrical Safety and Reliability

The Department of Energy is responsible for electric safety in the State of New Hampshire. Any incidents involving electrical contact resulting in shocks, flash injuries, or other harm caused by contact with a utility's facilities will be thoroughly investigated and reported on by our Electrical Safety Inspector.

Incidents involving electricity and individuals need to be taken seriously and thoroughly examined. The investigation process involves gathering all relevant information, examining the circumstances surrounding the incident, and identifying any potential causes or contributing factors. The findings of these investigations are then compiled into a comprehensive report. By conducting these investigations and producing detailed reports, the aim is to identify any deficiencies or lapses in safety protocol, take appropriate measures to rectify and improve safety practices, and mitigate the risk of future incidents.

The Staff routinely participates in simulated drills of emergency response of each of the electric utilities as well as reviews Emergency Response procedures of each of the electric service providers.  Operations and Maintenance policies of each of the utilities are reviewed by the Division of Enforcement.

The Division of Enforcement leads in coordinating service restoration efforts with the electric utilities during major power outages and acts as a liaison for implementing the State’s Emergency Preparedness Plan. The Department of Energy relies on its Division of Enforcement to provide substantive safety-oriented input during periodic electric utility service-related policy initiatives including providing technical assistance in updating the En 300 Rules for Electric Service. Assistance is provided to the Consumer Affairs Division for resolving consumer complaints that involve technical expertise and providing technical input on specific projects ranging from EMFs to facility replacement projects.