Intergovernmental Review Process

The Department of Energy facilitates state and local government coordination, review, and response to proposed federal financial assistance for programs and development directly affecting their citizens.

The Department’s responsibility for the Intergovernmental Review Process (IRP) originates from President Ronald Reagan’s 1982 Executive Orders 12372 and 12416 and Governor John H. Sununu’s 1983 Executive Order 83-10.  The IRP provides a method and opportunities for state and local governments to review and comment on federally funded programs and development during the planning stages.  The process is intended, in part, to foster strong partnerships between the various levels of government. The process applies to federal programs and development which involve state or local government contribution of non-federal funds, or which would directly affect state or local government interests.  

The Department serves as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the IRP.  As the SPOC, the Department receives requests for review from public or private applicants for federal funding of programs or development within the state.  

New Hampshire’s nine Regional Planning Agencies, as Regional Clearinghouses, assist and coordinate local governments with responses to proposed, federally funded programs and development subject to the IRP.

Submissions to the Department of Energy

IRP Requests must be sent to the Department using the following email address: PAPER COPIES OR FAXES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

IRP Requests include the following components:

  1. A cover letter, addressed to the Department’s designee to receive IRPs, including the name of and contact information for the applicant(s), and any state or federal program or project manager;
  2. A detailed description of the program or project. This narrative should be provided as a Word or PDF document, separate from the cover letter;
  3. A signed copy of Standard Form 424, the standard cover sheet for all federal assistance applications;
  4. A budget sheet;
  5. If applicable, a State Revolving Fund Loan application; and
  6. If applicable, a map of the location of the proposed project. 

It will take up to seven days for the Department to process an acknowledgement letter. This letter can used as proof of submission but is not required for submission of the grant. There is a box on the SF 424 form, Question 19, which asks if and when the grant was submitted for intergovernmental review. Check that box and fill in the date you submitted the grant for the IRP to the Department.

The Department will send the grant proposal out for comment to interested state agencies and local governments, for the 30-day review. You do NOT have to wait for results of the IRP to submit you grant application.

The Department’s IRP manual provides more information about the IRP and the complete instructions for submission to, and the processing by, the Department of IRP requests. 

For more information, please contact:

Alexis LaBrie, Grants Program Coordinator