Engineering, GIS and Other Support
The Division of Enforcement maintains a Geographic Information System that contains critical infrastructure for energy and telecommunication providers within the state. The Division of Enforcement also periodically participates in updating rules and regulation proceedings for gas, electrical and other services.
Example of GIS Map
The Division of Enforcement maintains a Geographic Information System that contains critical infrastructure and major infrastructure for energy and telecommunication providers within the state. Since 2012, the Division of Enforcement’s capabilities have been augmented with the addition of an analyst with GIS technical skills. This has allowed the Division of Enforcement to update and develop numerous GIS databases for various industry sectors. The Department of Energy has been active with New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) and the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) by providing GIS data during state emergencies. To date, GIS data has been created for natural gas, propane, electric, telecommunications, and cable TV.
The Division of Enforcement routinely participates in periodic updates of the Department of Energy’s administrative rules and regulatory proceedings for intrastate gas and electric transmission, distribution and other miscellaneous services. Our focus is on issues that mitigate actual or potential threats or hazards that may affect the capabilities of these service providers and operators to deliver safe and reliable services.
The Division of Enforcement is responsible for internally reviewing applications from utilities to install facility crossings over public waters and State-owned land. The Division’s reviews aid the Department of Energy in determining whether such crossings are necessary to meet reasonable requirements of service to the public and whether they conform to applicable safety codes. The Division identifies potential negative impacts to the public, while saving applicants and ratepayers potential costs of special assessments applicable to outside consultants.