Jurisdictional Propane Facilities
Department of Energy Gas Enforcement and Propane Operator participation of the review of rules, required forms and their timeline, new construction guidelines, odorization requirements and the need for meter protections.
Jurisdictional Propane Facilities
Jurisdictional Propane Facilities
Transcript of video:
*Form E-27A. This form is needed when Jurisdictional facilities change operators. Both the acquiring operator and losing operator must submit an E-27a Form. The E27A must include the facility name, inspection unit, the OPID and the GPS of the tanks. We need to know if it is a new facility, or if the company has lost the facility to another company.
*Form E-26. This form for is to Report of Probable Violation of Underground Utilities. When a hit of a pipeline occurs due to digging in areas of pipelines. In the event no "hits" occur in the month then you as the operator must check the negative hit box and supply your contact information in the orange section to me every month. You have until the 15th of the following month to submit this. I should have just received everyone's negative hit report (E-26) for February.
*Cybersecurity – How Donovan Capel our Cyber Security person can assist your company in protecting yourselves from cyber-attacks. He can help protect your system and all your customer's personal information from hackers.
*Odorization of gas -DOE has determined that Periodic Sampling of gas must occur on an annual basis to satisfy both state and federal rules. A discussion pursued and companies have the advantage of continuing with the quarterly or semiannually testing for odorization. David Degler suggested the company should update their OM&E. Bulk plants are still required to be tested for odorization on a quarterly basis.
*Explanation of tank protection, the need for signage on tanks and fences with operator and 24-hr phone number. Spacing of the bollards/lally columns/jersey barriers – needs to withstand 12,000 pounds.
*Rulemaking – how the future of the PUC 500 rules will change to Eng 500
*Dave Degler would like to be included in cathodic protection testing, odorization, atmospheric inspections and finally regulator testing. Please let him know when you are conducting any of the previous tests. He wants to see the industry side of things and adhering to state and federal rules.
*Meter Protection how it is defined in your OM&E
*Section 114 – Include leak prone piping and leak surveying in you OM&E.
*New rules – David Degler is thinking about requiring worker and monitor regulators in jurisdictional facilities, labeling building piping when it is propane and 2 psi or greater, stick gauges showing the pressure of the system, labeling or painting the liquid and vapor lines different colors. Once again he would like to be invited to the site when new systems are installed so he can see what was previously installed and what it is being replaced with.
* Dave supplied email of Denise Presby, and his own email. Reminded Operators to be ready for another 114 survey or inspection in the future. Wanted feedback from audience on how he/we can improve future meetings of this sort. Dave would like topics for the next meeting. He was told that a hybrid method of a meeting was appreciated (in person and via teams).