Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

RGGI is a regional emissions reduction effort that New Hampshire participates in.

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is an effort among the states of New Hampshire, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.

New Hampshire adopted RGGI pursuant to House Bill 1434, in 2008. The initiative creates a market for emissions allowances through a regional cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas emissions from area power plants.  New Hampshire emissions allowances are sold at quarterly auctions and the proceeds fund the Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF).

The Energy Efficiency Fund is a dedicated fund created by New Hampshire legislation, RSA 125-O: 23. The source of the funding comes from New Hampshire's participation in RGGI.

The proceeds of these allowance auctions are portioned out among the state participants, and in New Hampshire, the statute directs that the proceeds of each auction flow into the EEF. The EEF is administered by the PUC, which is responsible for distributing the funds to programs across the state.  These funds support energy efficiency, conservation, and demand response programs in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated in New Hampshire. In an effort limit the financial impact of RGGI on New Hampshire ratepayers, statute dictates that "all amounts in excess of the threshold price of $1 for any allowance sale shall be rebated to all retail electric ratepayers in the state on a per-kilowatt-hour basis."

Department of Environmental Services Emission Reduction Strategies Page

RGGI Annual Reports to the Legislature

Prepared jointly by the Department of Environmental Services and the Public Utilities Commission, this report summarizes trends in New Hampshire's electric rates, the prices and availability of RGGI carbon allowances, the allocation and spending of auction revenues, and the impact of proposed federal CO2 cap and trade programs on New Hampshire's RGGI program.