Pipeline Mileage Statistics

Charts representing the number of miles of gas distribution and transmission in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire Miles of Gas Distribution Mains
2000-2020 - Dig Safe Annual Report

Liberty: 1434 | Northern Utilities: 567 | Liberty - Keene: 31
Total to the nearest mile: 2032 as of 12/31/2020

Pie Chart Showing New Hapmpshire Miles of Gas Distribution Mains

New Hampshire Miles of Gas Distribution Pipelines,
both Mains and Services
2000-2020 - Dig Safe Annual Report

Liberty: 2421 | Northern Utilities: 944 | Liberty - Keene: 46
Total to the nearest mile: 3411 Miles as of 12/31/2020

Pie Chart Showing New Hampshire Miles of Gas Distribution Pipelines, both Mains and Services

New Hampshire Miles of Gas Transmission Intrastate Pipelines

UNH: 13 | Liberty: 3 | Gorham Paper & Tissue: 2 | Androscoggin Valley Regional Refuse Disposal District: 2 | Northern Utilities: 0 | Liberty - Keene: 0
Total to the nearest mile: 20 Miles as of 12/31/2020

Pie Chart Showing New Hampshire Miles of Gas Transmission Intrastate Pipelines

New Hampshire Miles of Gas Transmission Interstate Pipelines

PNGTS: 80 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline: 80 | Granite State Transmission: 39 | Maritimes: 33
Total: 232 Miles (to the nearest mile) as of 12/31/202
Graph doesn't reflect Portland Pipeline Hazardous Liquid (75 Miles)

Pie Chart Showing New Hampshire Miles of Gas Transmission Interstate Pipelines

New Hampshire Miles of Gas Pipelines Distribution and Transmission Regardless of Jurisdiction

UNH: 13 | Liberty: 2424 | Gorham Paper & Tissue: 2 | Androscoggin Valley Regional Refuse Disposal District: 2 | Northern Utilities: 944 | Liberty - Keene: 46 | PNGTS: 80 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline: 80 | Granite State Transmission: 39 | Maritimes: 33
Total: 3662 Miles (to the nearest mile) as of 12/31/2020
Graph doesn't reflect Portland Pipeline Hazardous Liquid (75 Miles)

Pie Chart Showing New Hampshire Miles of Gas Pipelines Distribution and Transmission Regardless of Jurisdiction