Charts representing the number of miles of gas distribution and transmission in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Miles of Gas Distribution Mains
2000-2020 - Dig Safe Annual Report
Liberty: 1434 | Northern Utilities: 567 | Liberty - Keene: 31
Total to the nearest mile: 2032 as of 12/31/2020
New Hampshire Miles of Gas Distribution Pipelines,
both Mains and Services
2000-2020 - Dig Safe Annual Report
Liberty: 2421 | Northern Utilities: 944 | Liberty - Keene: 46
Total to the nearest mile: 3411 Miles as of 12/31/2020
New Hampshire Miles of Gas Transmission Intrastate Pipelines
UNH: 13 | Liberty: 3 | Gorham Paper & Tissue: 2 | Androscoggin Valley Regional Refuse Disposal District: 2 | Northern Utilities: 0 | Liberty - Keene: 0
Total to the nearest mile: 20 Miles as of 12/31/2020
New Hampshire Miles of Gas Transmission Interstate Pipelines
PNGTS: 80 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline: 80 | Granite State Transmission: 39 | Maritimes: 33
Total: 232 Miles (to the nearest mile) as of 12/31/202
Graph doesn't reflect Portland Pipeline Hazardous Liquid (75 Miles)
New Hampshire Miles of Gas Pipelines Distribution and Transmission Regardless of Jurisdiction
UNH: 13 | Liberty: 2424 | Gorham Paper & Tissue: 2 | Androscoggin Valley Regional Refuse Disposal District: 2 | Northern Utilities: 944 | Liberty - Keene: 46 | PNGTS: 80 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline: 80 | Granite State Transmission: 39 | Maritimes: 33
Total: 3662 Miles (to the nearest mile) as of 12/31/2020
Graph doesn't reflect Portland Pipeline Hazardous Liquid (75 Miles)