Class I Thermal Renewable Energy Certificate Program

Introduction of Thermal RPS Program Development.

Laws of 2012, Chapter 272, SB 218-FN – FINAL VERSION amends the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) law, RSA 362-F and creates a Class I sub-class for useful thermal renewable energy. Per Order No. 25,484 under Docket No. DE 13-021, the Commission delayed the start of the thermal subclass until 2014. The PUC is required to "establish procedures by which electricity and useful thermal energy production not tracked by ISO-New England from customer-sited sources, including behind the meter production, may be included within the certificate program, provided such sources are located within NH. RSA 362-F:6, II."

Guidance Documents for Determining Best Management Practices for Thermal Biomass Facilities (<100 MW)

Initial Proposal of Puc 2500, Renewable Portfolio Standards

On April 10, 2014, the Commission issued an initial proposal of amendments to Puc 2500, Renewable Portfolio Standards, including provisions for useful thermal energy. The rulemaking is contained in Docket DRM 14-095.

Draft Report on Metering and Measurement of Thermal Energy

Presentations – Thermal Rule Development Stakeholder Meeting

Stakeholder Meetings

August 3, 2012

January 25, 2012

Chapter Puc 2500 Electric Renewable Portfolio Standard Rules