Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study Stakeholder Meeting Recording
Recording of the Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study Stakeholder Meeting held on 09/28/2022
Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study Stakeholder Meeting Recording
Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study Stakeholder Meeting Recording
Transcript of video:
Hey Deandra, I don't know if it's David on the line yet. I know he wanted to start things with a few words.
Yeah, I think that's right. Yeah. There we go, Dave.
I am here and we'll get started very soon. We have a lot to cover this morning, so.
You know anyone who struggles and can join us in progress, but we should get going, I think. And it looks like we have have quite a group that's assembled already for for this morning stakeholder session. But those of you who may not know, I'm Dave Wiesner. I am the legal director here at the Department of Energy and this stakeholder session is an opportunity for our outside consultant, Dunsky Energy, to present the results of the value of distributed.
Energy resources study before going any further, I will let you all know that this session is being recorded through the teams function and we will consider posting a hopefully good recording of this session on our website so anyone who's not able to attend this morning will be able to to watch it later.
So just be aware that you are being recorded through the teams application and that that will be probably posted on our website afterwards.
So as I said, the purpose of today's study is to provide a high level summary overview of the results of the value of DER study. That study has been, you know, a long time in the works. The scope of this study was developed a few years ago and approved by the PUC with the restructuring of the agency that occurred in last year, it's now become the job of the Department of Energy to see that to completion. The final study report will be filed.
By the DOE with the PUC next month when it's completed.
Should be by the end of the month, possibly earlier. The final study will have considerably more detail and data included in it that will be sort of the definitive final product. Today's presentation is really more of an overview of of the results in a summary of the methodology that got us to the results both on the value stack analysis and also on the rate and bill impacts analysis.
In addition to the final report, there's an additional deliverable that we will see from DUNSKY, which is this sort of simplified modeling tool, I'll call it, which will be made available for for stakeholders to use and will permit folks to vary some of the inputs into the model and sort of play with it, if you will, to see what the outputs might look like with those variations. And and I do want to emphasize that the purpose of this study.
I don't think it was ever intended to play that role, and certainly what we're seeing in the market and rising interest rates, for example, as as Chris Koglin noted earlier, you know it's it's very much of a moving target. I think we still have confidence in the value of this study as an illustrative indicative exercise, but it it would not have been possible given the timing to sort of recalibrate even the early years analysis to track some of the.
You know, extreme price spikes and rising interest rates that we're currently seeing. But as Claire noted, the the modeling tool that would be available will be a useful tool for people to work with and change some of the parameters and and see what the value stack numbers would look like in different scenarios.
I hope that I hope that's responsive.
Yeah. Thank you.
OK, we are at time, but we do have a few more minutes if we want to just finish up with the last few questions. So Chris, I see your your hand up. Go ahead. Yeah, I appreciated that point that.
So Chris, clean Energy, New Hampshire, appreciate the point that Dave just made regarding the analysis at this point, providing an illustrative set of values and the tool being available for us to kind of monkey with this not month, sorry.
And see how our own assumptions might work. But I think noting up front in an executive summary how this is an illustrative value that is based on a certain set of assumptions would be incredibly important because there are stakeholders that are very invested in this that are going to be coming in, haven't had a chance to hear the discussion.
Might find the presentation even the the.
Deeper parts of the report, a little bit opaque, just because there is a a higher kind of experience and expertise burden to access some of this I've been following this since 2016 and some of it is still very unclear to me, but making sure that it's there that this is a discussion point rather than the exact value that dunsky is recommending be applied to.
Metering going forward, but that it's to inform the discussion and we use as a tool rather than the value, because I think it's very easy for people to grab the 11:50 cents and say this is what it is now going forward.
When it's far more nuanced, as you've pointed out.
Yeah, I think that's a that's a great point, Chris. And we'll be sure to make sure those types of disclaimers are front and center in the executive summary and the introduction and even within the discussion section. So yeah, thank you for making that point.
OK. Go ahead, Dave. I don't know who wants to have the last word. You you have the last word.
I want to thank Dunsky for taking the time to walk us through this. A lot of work went into this and this is really only a high level snapshot of all the work that was done and everything that went into the study. And when you see the final report, I think you'll have a much better sense of everything that went into it and and and and what's behind the results that you're going to see. And the key takeaways, which again are not in the nature of recommendations, this is just a a major milestone.
Data point, which will be useful to people we think going forward to figure out, you know what, what what the future will look like for net metering in this state. So look forward to the issuance of that final report. Thank everyone for their input and close attention this morning. Look forward to seeing your written input if you choose to send it along to Deandra and you know.
Wait, wait for the final report and then we'll decide what happens next. I look forward to further discussion probably before the end of the year or if not early next year. Once the PUC docket gets going.
Thank you all.
Thanks everyone.
Alright, thank you everyone.