Underground Damage Prevention Report Forms

For reporting damages per NH Dept. of Energy Excavation Damage Prevention Program, i.e. 800 Rules, use one of the following two forms:

Our forms are currently available in PDF and Excel. Please choose the PDF format if you are filling the forms manually and mailing your form into the office. Please choose the Excel format if you are filing it electronically.

For reporting damages per NH Dept. of Energy Excavation Damage Prevention Program, i.e. 800 Rules, use one of the following two forms:

  1. Utilities should report using form E-26 per En 804.01 (a) (b) (c) (d).
  2. All others, including the public, LPG Operators, excavators that are non-utilities, and other non-utilities shall use form SNU-0401 per En 805.05.

If filing a Utility Report Form, please email the form to UGDPP@energy.nh.gov Per En 804.01 Utility Report Forms are required to be submitted within 20 days in which there is damage to an underground facility or a probable violation.

Utility Reporting Forms

Form #E-26 – Report of Probable Violation of Underground Utility Regulations and/or Damage to Underground Facilities (Utility)

If filing a Non-Utility Report Form, please email the form to UGDPP@energy.nh.gov Per En 805.05 Non-Utility Report Forms are required to be submitted within 72 hours excluding weekends and holidays if there is damage to an underground facility or a probable violation.

Non-Utility Reporting Forms

SNU-0401 – Non-Utility Report

For all other forms required for Dept. of Energy 500 Rules, metering, interruptions, accidents, purity, storage, leaks, and financial forms see the Pipeline Safety forms page