Pipeline Safety Education and Training
New Hampshire pipeline safety education and training resources.
- Jurisdictional Propane Facilities
- PHMSA Small Natural Gas and LP Operator Guidance Manuals
- OQ Guide for Small Distribution Systems
- Department of Energy Division of Enforcement Model Propane Operating & Maintenance and Emergency Plans (The operator will need to enter the required information to complete the document)
- Amilia's Law - Effective January 1, 2007, all persons engaged in the installation, servicing and/or repair of gas fired appliances shall be licensed by the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification-Mechanical Safety and Licensing Board (RSA 153:27).
- NH Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors (Gas Licensing)
2020 New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR)
- No Seminar
2019 New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR)
- No Seminar
2018 New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR) Annual Seminar
Meredith, New Hampshire, October 9 & 10, 2018
- NHPUC Chairman Honigberg’s Opening Comments - Martin P. Honigberg
- State of the States:
- Maine - G. Kenny
- Connecticut - K. Baker
- New Hampshire - R. Knepper
- Massachusetts - No Presentation Made
- Vermont - No Presentation Made
- Rhode Island - K. McCarthy
- LPG Updates - L. Anderson
- RNG Interconnect - Agreements; Getting to Yes- D. Dessanti
- Renewable Gas - D. Bowley- Presentation
- PHMSA Regulatory Updates - B. Dresel
- Eversource QA/QC Program - E. Eggleston
- Recent National Pipeline Incidents - R. Knepper
- Soft Offs - R. Knepper
- Research Updates and New Technology - G. Kakaiya
- Cross Bore Prevention Strategies - N. Dore
2017 New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR)
- No Seminar
2016 New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR)
South Portland, Maine, October 19 & 20, 2016
- MPUC Chairman Mark Vannoy’s Opening Comments-Mark Vannoy
- State of the States:
- Maine- D. Davidson
- Connecticut - K. Baker
- New Hampshire - R. Knepper
- Rhode Island - D. Ledversis
- Vermont - GC Morris
- Massachusetts- No Presentation Made
- Eastern Region Summary – R. Burrough
- Training & Qualifications – K. Baker
- Enforcement & Observations – G. Kenny
- Jurisdictional Petroleum Gas Systems – G. McDonald
- New Products – D. Ledversis
- Technologies to Enhance Pipeline Safety - P. Armstrong
- PHMSA Regulatory Updates - D. Shea
- Static Electricity - Hazards & Control - Ionix – D. Smith
2015 New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR) Annual Seminar
Dover, VT, October 20 & 21, 2015
- Overview of recent amendments to the pipeline safety laws, regulations, protocols, FAQs and federal regulatory events (Leticia Santos, PHMSA Office of Training & Qualifications)
- NTSB – A Presentation on the East Harlem, NY Natural Gas Explosion. (NTSB Steve Kleist
- PHMSA Enforcement Trends in the Eastern Region (Byron Coy, PHMSA, Eastern Region)
- Plastic Pipe issues in the Eastern Region– (Gary Kenny, Maine PUC)
- Odorant, is your gas really odorized? (Don Ledversis, Rhode Island DPUC)
- CIP Lining (MariCarbone or Shawn Albert, Progeressive Pipe)
- Propane – Various topics will be discussed thelp operators meet compliance.
(Joe Rose, Propane Gas Association of New England, PGANE) - Operator Qualification (Randy Knepper, New Hampshire PUC)
- Regulator Roundtable - Regulators from CT, MA, ME, NH, RI & VT
- Reference materials
2014 New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR) Annual Seminar
Portsmouth, NH, October 21 & 22, 2014
- Interstate Transmission Pipeline NE Updates (Tom Kiley, Northeast Gas Association)
- NE Propane Supply Update (Joe Rose, New England Propane Association)
- Underground Damage Prevention Updates (Robert Finelli, Dig Safe Systems Inc)
- Regulations Updates (Pam West, Instructor, PHMSA Office of Training and Qualifications)
- Threats to Distribution Pipelines (Gary Kenny, ME) & others
- Massachusetts Infrastructure Law Update (Jorge Santi. MA)
- LPG Odorization Rules for LP Operators (David Burnell, NH)
- Regulations Updates (cont’d) – Public Awareness Updates (Wa-le Adesanwo, Instructor, PHMSA Office of Training and Qualifications)
- Single Site LNG and CNG Considerations (Chris Christopoulos, City of Lebanon)
- INTRO to GPS Discussion, NH Example (Randy Knepper, NHPUC)
- Underground Facility Record Keeping, GPS
- Ian Crabtree & Chuck Rodriguez (Liberty Utilities, NH)
- Mel Ciulla & Charlie Kickham (Unitil, MA and ME)
- Regulator Roundtable
- Positive Material Identification Follow-up to 2013 NEPSR Seminar (Ken Greene, TDW Pipeline Services Inc)
2012 Northeast Corrosion Conference
Springfield , MA Jan 18 2012
The Pipeline Safety Trust Annual Conference: Pipeline Safety – Getting to Zero
New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17th & 18th, 2011
- R. Knepper Gathering Lines- Definitions, Background, and Proposed Rule Makings
- R. Knepper Gas Pipeline Safety Issues - San Bruno Lessons Learned
- NTSB Vice Chairman Hart Using Collaboration to Reduce Risk While Improving Productivity
New England Pipeline Safety Representatives (NEPSR) Annual Seminar
Hyannis, Massachusetts, October 26 & 27, 2011
- Regulation Updates (Lane Miller, PHMSA)
- Control Room Regulations (Al Shoen, PHMSA)
- Jurisdictional Propane Systems (Dave Burnell, NH)
- Public Awareness (Alex Dankanich, PHMSA)
- San Bruno, CA - Lessons Learned and Ramifications (Randy Knepper, NH PUC, Gary Kenny, ME PUC)
- TGP Line Break (Nancy Barton, Ten Gas Pipeline)
- Protecting Gas Facilities from Vehicles
- Maine (Gary Kenny, ME PUC)
- Rhode Island (Don Ledversis, RI PUC)
- LPG Odorization (Timothee Rodrique, MA DFS)
- Regulator Roundtable
- Connecticut (Karl Baker, CT DEEP)
- Maine (Gary Kenny, ME PUC)
- Rhode Island (Don Ledversis, RI DPU)
- Vermont (GC Morris, VT DPS)